Engaging Your Network in Advocacy
Taking action requires only a few minutes, as the Alliance provides pre-written letters that can be sent to your legislators.
Engaging your broader membership and professional/personal networks in simple ways can be an effective complement to the targeted advocacy of writing a handcrafted letter and visiting your Member of Congress’ local office.
Your work on the handcrafted letters and local office visits brings the issue of international exchange front and center for your Members of Congress, and illustrates in tangible ways how these activities benefit your community. Mobilizing a broader network will not only provide solid reinforcement for your message, but also indicate to your Representative and Senators that international exchange and engagement matters to and benefits a diverse range of constituents across the district and state.

Tips on Engaging YOUR Network in Advocacy
To whom should I reach out?
Anyone in your community or professional and personal networks who has an interest in, and knows the impact of, international exchange and engagement: board members, volunteers, donors, academic and business colleagues, friends or followers on social media sites, etc.
How can I reach out?
- Email: consider sending advocacy updates and action alerts to your distribution lists—feel free to adapt the Alliance’s messages for your own purposes.
- Your organizational or personal website: consider placing an item or “button” on your website that easily allows visitors to get involved with our advocacy efforts.
- Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites: consider posting advocacy messages and action alerts to any social media site in which you or your organization are active.
What should my message/request be?
Simple: encourage your contacts to sign up to receive Alliance action alerts and take action on any active alerts for congressional letter-writing campaigns. REGISTER HERE