The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

This summer, the Alliance led a local advocacy initiative from Memorial Day through Labor Day to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of international exchange programs on Americans and their communities. Summer of Action served as an opportunity for all Alliance member organizations and fellow exchange champions to show Members of Congress and their local offices the ways in which educational and cultural exchanges make their states and districts stronger. Nearly 20 Alliance members and partners engaged with 51 congressional offices in their states and districts, increasing awareness of international exchange programs throughout the U.S. 

Below are reflections from three Alliance members on their Summer of Action participation: 

Julie Ball, Director of Marketing and External Communications, AFS-USA
On July 8th, a dedicated group from AFS-USA including myself, my colleague Natalie Rehberger (YES program alum), and Chaitanya Dandekar (NSLI-Y program alum) met virtually with Maron Alemu, District Director at the U.S. House of Representatives for Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY08). Our mission was to spotlight the transformative power and profound community impact of exchange programs within New York. 

A great conversation ensued with Natalie and Chaitanya illustrating the lasting influence their exchange experiences have had on their lives and families. Natalie, who is now the Sponsored Programs Hosting Specialist at AFS-USA, described the lasting bonds she created with her host family in Indonesia and how her time abroad inspired the trajectory of her career. Chaitanya, who now volunteers for AFS-USA, hopes to inspire other students to go abroad and become global citizens. Maron engaged with thoughtful questions, demonstrating an interest in our programs and expressing a strong willingness to champion international exchange initiatives in the future. 

It is not every day that I get to express the passion I have for what I do at AFS-USA. I was proud to represent the international exchange community in this meeting and believe that through this type of advocacy, we are making the world a better place. 

Kristin Friedman, Director of Program Services, AuPairCare
This summer, I had the opportunity to join three AuPairCare host families in engaging with several members of Congress during the Summer of Action in Maryland. On July 19, 2024, we met in person with Congressman John Sarbanes (MD) and his staff member, Hunter Craig, Casework and Field Representative. On July 30, 2024, we held a virtual meeting with Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD) and his staff member, Sarah Schenning, Legislative Director. 

The host families shared their cultural exchange experiences, describing how seamlessly their au pairs have integrated into their families, celebrated traditions, and become active community members. They discussed how these exchanges have enriched their family’s lives and provided them with the flexibility to pursue their careers and new ventures. They also noted the childcare shortage surge is hurting working families and stressed the importance of the au pair program in providing reliable childcare.  

The families also talked about how moving to a new country can be both challenging and exciting for au pairs, offering them opportunities to learn new languages and adapt to different cultural norms, which enhances personal growth and global awareness.  

It was heartwarming to hear the genuine appreciation these host families have for the au pair program. They highlighted the economic benefits, such as reliable childcare for working families, and noted how international participants contribute to the local economy through spending on attractions, retail, food, entertainment, education, and travel. The host families also valued how the program brings diverse cultures into their homes, allowing their children to learn about the world and exposure in a multilingual home.  

With over 20 years of combined experience hosting au pairs, the families have built lasting relationships with former au pairs and understand the diplomatic benefits of cultural exchange programs, which promote diplomacy and reduce conflicts. I believe their heartfelt stories made a strong impression on the Congressman and staff and also provided me with direct advocates for future advocacy efforts. 

Kali A. Wright, Program Coordinator, InterExchange – Camp USA
On July 26th Nicole Leonard, Field Director for NY-19 Rep. Marc Molinaro, visited Lions Camp Badger (LCB) to learn about Bridge USA participants and their impact on local communities. I am personally affiliated with NY-19 due to my 8-year history of working at Lions Camp Badger, a summer camp for people of all ages with disabilities. The congressional visit process began as a hallway meeting during the Alliance’s Advocacy Day with one of the Congressman’s DC staffers. As part of my pre-meeting research, I learned that Rep. Molinaro has an autistic daughter and is very active in disability services and advocacy. Based on my experience in special needs camping, I knew this was my foot in the door to introduce him to Bridge USA’s Camp Counselor program. I used this brief meeting to invite him to visit LCB and meet some InterExchange participants. Ms. Leonard met participants from Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Bolivia, and more, and asked them valuable questions about their experiences. Similarly, she spoke with the camp director who stressed that LCB could not function without the international counselor program. This was surprising to Nicole, and she expressed genuine curiosity to learn about the impact our programs have on local businesses.  

I truly believe Ms. Leonard left with significantly increased understanding and interest in our work, as well as the personal impact it has on communities. In our follow-up conversations she stressed how grateful she was to experience camp and learn about our programs that allow camp to flourish. Just like Advocacy Day, this was an inspirational reminder that not only is it a privilege to advocate for our programs and host communities, but also that it is our duty as experts in the field.


We are grateful to all those who participated in this year’s Summer of Action. This initiative would not have been possible without your efforts and engagement.