The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

On Monday, September 23, the Alliance is excited to launch a messaging platform that aims to tell the story of the transformative power of international exchange in advancing America’s economic and national security interests. 

An investment in international educational and cultural exchange programs (international exchange) is an investment in the U.S. economy, in the next generation of global leaders, in America’s standing in the global community, and in the very spirit of America. In the lead up to the 2024 elections, the Alliance membership and exchange community will amplify unified messaging on the ways international exchanges: 

  • Drive America’s Economy: An investment in international exchanges is an investment in the U.S. economy. 
  • Create Future Leaders: International exchanges build American leaders to be successful on the world stage.
  • Advance American Interests: International exchanges create political and business networks around the world – networks that cement diplomatic relationships, strengthen national security, and bolster the economy. 
  • Tell America’s Story: Exchange programs provide perspective into many different aspects of the lived American experience, building familiarity, kinship, and trust. 

We encourage exchange champions to share this messaging with their networks and take to social media to showcase the proven investment of international exchanges using the hashtag #GlobalExchangesLocalImpact. 

The Alliance is grateful to Chris Lukach and his team at AKCG Public Relations Counselors for their collaboration and work on this campaign. 

For questions about the campaign, please contact Gabrielle Cascio at