The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

FY24 Appropriations Recap and Outlook

Both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees have completed their subcommittee and full committee markups of their respective State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) bills in recent weeks. Educational and cultural exchanges were funded at $700.95M (approx. 10% decrease) by the House bill and $779.5M (approx. 0.25% increase) by the Senate bill. See the chart below for more details and a comparison with the President’s budget request and current enacted level.

2022 Midterm Election Analysis

After weeks of counting, the majority of races in the 2022 midterms have been decided, allowing for a clearer picture of what the 118th Congress will look like come January. What follows are our thoughts on the election results and their implications for the international exchange community.

Alliance Statement on Lift of Travel Ban

The Alliance welcomes the news that, starting November 8, the United States will lift the travel ban imposed on 33 nations and admit fully vaccinated foreign air travelers. This is a critical step towards reinvigorating international exchange. The Alliance urges the...