The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

Federal Register since 6/7/2017

Below please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 6/7/2017

If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number located next to the announcement.  Requests are processed on a daily basis. Please feel free to contact us with additional questio

Federal Register since 5/31/2017

Below please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 5/31/2017

If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number located next to the announcement.  Requests are processed on a daily basis. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions.

Administration’s FY2018 Budget Proposes Critical Cuts to Educational and Cultural Exchanges

The Trump administration’s proposed FY2018 budget, released on May 23, includes a 55% cut to Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs compared to the $634 million funding level provided in the FY2017 omnibus bill that was passed and signed into law earlier this month. The administration’s budget would fund exchange programs at $285 million [refer to pp. 770-771 of the Appendix for exchanges]. 

Federal Register since 5/24/2017

Below please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 5/24/2017

If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number located next to the announcement.  Requests are processed on a daily basis. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions.