The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

New NAFSA Economic Impact Data: International Students Contribute $32.8 Billion to the U.S. Economy

New data from NAFSA: Association of International Educators found that the one million international students who studied at U.S. colleges and universities during the 2015-16 academic year contributed $32.8 billion to the U.S. economy. According to NAFSA’S analysis released on November 14, the economic impact translates into support of more than 400,000 jobs – a 7% increase from the previous year.

Federal Register since 11/09/2016

Below please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 11/09/2016.

If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number located next to the announcement.  Requests are processed on a daily basis. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions.

Federal Register since 11/09/2016

Below please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 11/09/2016.

If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number located next to the announcement.  Requests are processed on a daily basis. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions.