Federal Registry since 6/01/2018
Please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 6/01/2018. If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number...Federal Registry since 5/26/2018
Please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 5/26/2018. If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number...Federal Register since 04/14
Please find the listing of Federal Register announcements issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Education, and Homeland Security, and USAID since 4/6/2018. If you would like more information on any items on the list, please email us and provide the item number...Article 2 oif National News
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