The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

EurekaFacts Camp Counselor Report

We are thrilled to announce the release of the EurekaFacts Camp Counselor Report.

The report found that the Camp Counselor program positively impacts the United States by strengthening our national security and supporting our economy. Not only did 76% of participants develop a more positive view of American people, they also contributed over $59 million dollars to the U.S. economy during their stay.

SWT: Just the Facts on Cultural Exchange

Ilir Zherka, Contributor Executive Director of the Alliance for International Exchange Just the Facts on Cultural Exchange 09/14/2017 08:32 am ET Updated Sep 14, 2017   A recent study by Pew found that the United State’s favorability rating globally hovers below...

Administration’s FY 2019 ECA Budget Would Hurt U.S. Diplomacy

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 budget released today by the Administration proposes a steep 75 percent cut to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Specifically, the FY19 request of $159 million is a significant reduction from ECA’s actual budget of $634.1 million in FY17. Last year, the Administration recommended a 55 percent cut to ECA. Although a long-term FY18 budget has not been finalized, Congress recognized the importance of ECA and increased its funding for FY17.