The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

Yemeni exchange students to remain in U.S. through December

More than two dozen Yemeni exchange students will be allowed to stay in the United States through December, reports The Washington Post. The students were participants in the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, sponsored by the State Department, when civil war broke out in their home country of Yemen, preventing their return.

Debt crisis causes problems for Greek Erasmus students, American students abroad unaffected

While the Greek debt crisis is causing significant problems for Greek Erasmus scholars, the crisis has had little effect on Americans studying abroad in the country, Kathimerini and CNBC report. In a historic vote, 61 per cent of Greek voters rejected the bailout package after Greece missed its loan payment deadline earlier this month.

U.S. continues to expand diplomatic relations with Cuba, will re-open embassy

The U.S. will re-open its embassy in Cuba this month, continuing the expansion of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the New York Times reports. President Obama announced the plans on Wednesday, adding that Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Havana “to proudly raise the American flag over our embassy once more.”