The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

Recent terrorist attacks have little impact on U.S. study abroad

U.S. student interest and enrollment in study abroad programs has not waned in spite of the recent terrorist attacks abroad, the Boston Globe reports.

The “students generally accept that security risks don’t necessarily increase beyond the U.S. borders,” the Boston Globe notes, adding that violent acts have occurred within U.S. borders for decades:

Decreased exchanges impact U.S. understanding of Russian foreign policy

Declining investment in exchange programs with former Soviet countries and Russian language instruction has contributed to a “shortage of Russia experts” in the U.S., according to a recent article in the Washington Post.

The article notes growing concerns that the U.S. lacks the ability to adequately assess and understand Russian foreign policy:

Studying in the U.S. gives Chinese students a more positive view of the U.S. and China

Chinese students studying in the U.S. graduate with a more positive view of both the U.S. and China, according to a recent article in Foreign Policy.

The data, coming from the publication’s own survey, show that after studying in the U.S., 60 per cent of respondents had more positive views of the U.S. and 55 per cent reported gaining a more positive view of China.