The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

Policy Monitor Weekly Digest, June 1-5

► The House State-Foreign Operations (SFOPS) Appropriations Subcommittee approved its FY16 funding bill, providing $582.531 million for educational and cultural exchange programs in FY16. This allocation is approximately $40.55 million less than the President’s request of $623.079 million, and $7.37 million less than the FY15 enacted level of $589.9 million.

Policy Monitor Weekly Digest, May 18-22

► The Senate Appropriations Committee approved its spending allocations for the twelve FY16 appropriations bills, allocating $49.0 billion for State-Foreign Operations, which funds the Department of State and State Department exchanges. This maintains total funding for international affairs nearly at the current funding level, 2 per cent above the House [$47.8 billion], and 8 per cent below the President’s request [$53.2 billion].