The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

American Councils’ president testifies on impact of exchanges in front of House committee

Dr. Dan Davidson, president of the American Councils for International Education, testified last week in front of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, discussing the merits of people-to-people exchanges and their ability to foster “positive social and economic changes.” He urged the subcommittee to increase support for exchanges in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, recent areas of conflict.

Author on Old website is ‘Kaitlyn Chriswell’. The Dashboard does not have the option for Kaitlyn Chriswell in the drop down menu Author chosen from drop down menu – Alliance Staff

Five former U.S. ambassadors to Germany believe that the decision to cut funding for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program (CBYX) by 50 per cent “runs contrary to U.S. interests”:

“At a time when our two countries need to work together more closely on numerous transatlantic and global issues, slashing this successful program is the wrong decision for German-American relations.”

Obama calls diplomacy, development, and education “vital to national security.”

In an interview with VICE, President Obama tackled the subject of ISIL and anti-terrorism by promoting ‘soft’ power initiatives:

“[We] can’t keep on thinking about counter terrorism and security as entirely separate from diplomacy, development, and education – all these things that are considered ‘soft,’ but in fact, are vital to our national security.”

GAO report commends State oversight of SWT, acknowledges program’s public diplomacy value

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the Summer Work Travel (SWT) program, released this afternoon, commends the Department of State on its strengthened oversight of SWT, while acknowledging the public diplomacy value of this exchange program that brings up-and-coming leaders to the U.S. for summer cultural experiences.