Advocacy Day
Thank you to all those who participated in Advocacy Day 2025! More information about Advocacy Day 2026 will be available in late 2025.
On March 5 and 6, the Alliance held its annual Congressional Reception and Advocacy Day. We welcomed 160 participants from 42 member organizations across the country to Washington, D.C. Additional community partners and government officials joined us for an evening celebrating international education and exchange programs at the Capitol Visitor Center (photos from the event can be found here). We are grateful to Senator Cory Booker (NJ) for sponsoring the event and for his inspiring remarks, and all the Department of State officials who joined us, including Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Weinhold who also provided remarks.
On March 6 and 7, the Alliance held its annual Congressional Reception and Advocacy Day. We welcomed 89 participants from 28 member organizations across the country to Washington, D.C. Additional community partners and government officials joined us for an evening celebrating international education and exchange programs at the Capitol Visitor Center (photos from the event can be found here). We are grateful to all of the Department of State officials who joined us, including Deputy Assistant Secretary Rebecca Pasini who provided opening remarks.
On March 8 and 9, the Alliance held its first in person Congressional Reception and Advocacy Day since 2020. We welcomed 101 participants from 30 member organizations across the country to Washington, D.C. Over 30 additional community stakeholders and government officials joined us for an evening celebrating international education and exchange programs at the Capitol Visitor Center. We are grateful to all of the Department of State officials who joined us, including Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Weinhold who provided opening remarks. Senator Cory Booker ended the event on a high note, praising exchange programs and the common cause we serve: “These exchange programs breakdown borders, breakdown walls, eliminate separation and help to understand our oneness. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it so eloquently, “We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a common garment of destiny.”” On Advocacy Day, participants engaged in 106 meetings (55 Senate, 51 House, 1 Meeting with a Member of Congress) across 34 states.
The 2022 Advocacy Day was held March 2-3.
Thank you to our 2022 sponsors for helping make this year’s event possible:
Special Event Sponsor:
Advocacy Day Sponsors:
Campaign for International Exchange 2021
Given the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, in-person meetings with Congressional offices could not take place in 2021. However, the need to advocate for the value of exchanges in communities across the United States was more important than ever. To maintain engagement with a new Congress and the Biden administration, the Alliance launched the Campaign for International Exchange.
Through this Campaign, the Alliance facilitated member interaction with policymakers in four events throughout the year: Exchange Week in Washington, Exchange Week in the District, Exchange Day, and International Education Week.
The Campaign’s first key event of the year, Exchange Week in Washington, was held in lieu of our traditional in-person Advocacy Day. For this event, the Alliance held an advocacy training and facilitated virtual meetings between Alliance members and Congressional representatives from March 1-5.
During the course of the Campaign for International Exchange, 36 Alliance members worked with 104 congressional offices across 33 states.
Advocacy Day 2020
The 2020 Advocacy Day and Congressional Reception were held on March 4 and 5. 108 individuals representing 35 member organizations came to Washington, D.C. to advocate for international exchange programs. Alliance members participated in meetings with 127 congressional offices (56 Senate, 71 House) across 35 states, including 4 with Members of Congress.
World Learning CEO and Alliance Chair, Carol Jenkins, provided opening remarks for the fourth annual Alliance Congressional Reception. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Marie Royce followed, who spoke about the importance of public diplomacy as demonstrated through the 80 year legacy of IVLP. We were also fortunate to have Congressman Rob Bishop provide remarks, sharing memories from his experience on an exchange program in Germany and how it impacted his life. 160 attendees including Alliance members, representatives from congressional offices and the U.S. Department of State convened at the Reception.
Thanks again to everyone who made Advocacy Day 2020 a success, including the Congressional Reception sponsors listed below.
- American Councils for International Education
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- Alliance Abroad Group
- American Work Adventures
- Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
- Cultural Homestay International (CHI)
- Intrax
- World Learning
- Cenet
- Cultural Vistas
- FHI 360
- Global Ties U.S.
- InterExchange
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- Spirit Cultural Exchange
- STS Foundation
- World Wide Cultural Exchange (WWCE)
Advocacy Day 2018
March 7-8, 2017 Washington, D.C.
Thank you to all who participated and supported the 2018 Advocacy Day events! The Alliance is pleased to announce that we hosted both a record number of participants –108 – and coordinated a record number of congressional office meetings – 96.
On Wednesday, the Alliance hosted an in-depth Issues & Messaging briefing for participants on the current policy agenda and our related goals for the international exchange community. The policies of the new administration and Congress present our community with challenges and opportunities that Advocacy Day addressed directly, especially with regards to the upcoming budget for FY 2019 and immigration upheaval.
The Congressional Reception began with remarks by the Alliance’s Vice Chair Carol Jenkins, followed by Executive Director Ilir Zherka, followed by U.S. for Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley then Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Jennifer Zimdahl Galt. Ellen Hoggard, Alliance’s Treasurer, concluded the evening with a brief closing remark.
The reception offered opportunities for industry colleagues and government officials to network over light hors d’oeuvres and drinks while celebrating the impact of exchange programs.
Participants stormed Capitol Hill on Thursday and attended 96 meetings with congressional offices to show their elected officials how exchanges foster mutual understanding and economic gains in the very communities they represent. By the end of the day participants had engaged in meetings with officials from 31 states.
The Alliance would again like to express its gratitude to all those who made Advocacy Day possible – the participants who represented the community, the officials who lent their ears, and the Congressional Reception sponsors listed below.
- American Institute for Foreign Study – AIFS
- Global Educational Concepts
- American Councils for International Educations
- Camp Counselors USA – CCUSA
- Cultural Homestay International – CHI
- Communicating for Agriculture Exchange Programs – CAEP
- Council of American Overseas Research Centers – CAORC
- InterExchnage
- World Learning
- American Secondary Schools for International Students & Teachers – ASSIST
- Center for Intercultural Education and Development – CIED
- Council for Global Immigration
- Council for International Educational Exchange – CIEE
- Council on Standards for International Educational Travel – CSIET
- Cultural Exchange Network – CENET
- Cultural Vistas
- GeoVisions
- Greenheart International
- Intrax
- STS Foundation
Advocacy Day 2019
On March 6 and 7, the Alliance held its annual Advocacy Day and Congressional Reception. This year, 120 participants representing 44 member organizations came to Washington, D.C. to advocate for international exchange programs. Alliance members participated in a record number of meetings with 146 congressional offices (70 Senate, 76 House) across 38 states, including 9 with Members of Congress.
193 attendees including Alliance members, representatives from congressional offices and the U.S. Department of State convened at the third annual Congressional Reception. World Learning CEO Carol Jenkins gave opening remarks and introduced Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Marie Royce, who spoke about her passion for people to people exchanges. Congressman French Hill also provided remarks at the Reception, emphasizing the importance of international education and expressing gratitude for those who participate in and facilitate exchange programs.
Thanks to all who participated in Advocacy Day this year, and special thanks to the following organizations for sponsoring the Congressional Reception:
- American Councils for International Education
- Global Educational Concepts
- World Learning
- Alliance Abroad Group
- American Work Adventures
- Camp Counselors USA
- Cultural Homestay International
- Council of Americans Overseas Research Council
- Hostelling International USA
- InterExchange
- International Exchange of North America
- Cenet
- Council on Standards for International Educational Travel
- Cultural Vistas
- French-American Chamber of Commerce
- GeoVisions
- Global Ties U.S.
- Greenheart International
- Society for Human Resource Management
- STS Foundation
- Sunset Pool Management
- World Wide Cultural Exchange
Advocacy Day 2017
March 8-9, 2017 Washington, D.C.
Thank you to all who participated and supported the 2017 Advocacy Day events! The Alliance is pleased to announce that we hosted both a record number of participants –112 – and coordinated a record number of congressional office meetings – 171.
On Wednesday, the Alliance hosted an in-depth Issues & Messaging briefing for participants on the current policy agenda and our related goals for the international exchange community. The policies of the new administration and Congress present our community with challenges and opportunities that Advocacy Day addressed directly, especially with regards to the upcoming budget for FY 2018 and immigration upheaval.
The Congressional Reception began with remarks by the Alliance’s Executive Director Ilir Zherka, followed by Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Mike Taplin. A representative from the Office of Congressman Steve Pearce also addressed the audience. The reception offered opportunities for industry colleagues and government officials to network over light hors d’oeuvres and drinks while celebrating the impact of exchange programs.
Participants stormed Capitol Hill on Thursday and attended 171 bicameral meetings with congressional offices to show their elected officials how exchanges foster mutual understanding and economic gains in the very communities they represent. By the end of the day participants had engaged in meetings with officials from 39 states.
The Alliance would again like to express its gratitude to all those who made Advocacy Day possible – the participants who represented the community, the officials who lent their ears, and the Congressional Reception sponsors listed below.
American Councils for International Education American Institute For Foreign Study CAEP Council for Global Immigration Global Educational Concepts
Council for American Overseas Research Centers GeoVisions Greenheart International Intrax IREX World Learning
Au Pair Foundation/STS Foundation CCUSA Cultural Exchange Network Cultural Vistas CSIET
What stood out to me [at Advocacy Day] was the caliber of industry representatives our member organizations sent over for these crucial meetings on the hill. It truly gave me renewed hope for the next generation of cultural exchange leadership. The individuals that were on my teams were whip-smart, articulate, passionate and clearly dedicated to the great work they do. I had so much fun getting to know each of them and hearing their stories about how exchanges influenced, and continue to influence, their lives.
Advocacy Day is not just a critical opportunity for ensuring that decisionmakers are aware of the exchange community’s incredible work, but also an invaluable forum for connecting with peers across this space. Each year, I leave this day energized by our collective effort advocating for the importance of these programs, while also feeling connected to colleagues who share my belief in the transformative power of international exchange.
As a citizen, I think it is important to voice your support of movements that can better your nation. I believe in the importance of International Exchange and Education, and the boundless positive impacts it has on our country. Advocacy Day gave me the opportunity to use my voice with hopes that our representatives will listen and embrace supportive actions. I think everyone should do it at least once.