An ever-increasing number of American students are reaching beyond their borders to study, work, and intern abroad. For example, according to the Institute of International Education’s 2010 Open Doors report, 260,327 American studied abroad in 2008-09, four times more than the number of U.S. students participating in study abroad in 1987-88. The increase number of Americans studying abroad is paralleled by an increase in the range of study abroad destinations: American students are studying in a more diverse range of regions and countries than ever before and are more frequently choosing non-traditional study abroad destinations. For example, the number of U.S. students studying in China, Argentina, South Africa, Ecuador, and India has each increased by more than 20 per cent in the last few years.
No matter the destination, Americans studying or working abroad gain not only knowledge and insight into other countries and cultures, but also life-changing personal and professional enrichment. Equally important, by sharing U.S. culture and values with foreign counterparts and audiences, they lay a foundation of cross-cultural trust and friendship that can last a lifetime.
The following Alliance member organizations sponsor study/work programs:
- American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
- AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study)
- Cultural Vistas
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- InterExchange Working Abroad
- World Learning