The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

Key Facts and Reports

Information on the benefits of exchange programs.

Alliance Resources

Learn more about the ways in which exchange programs support U.S. national security, strengthen the U.S. economy, and increase mutual understanding.


Alliance Policy Priorities Paper and One-Pager

The Alliance’s international educational and cultural exchange policy priorities (and accompanying one-pager) for the Trump Administration.

Safer, Stronger, More Prosperous: International Exchange Programs

This one pager highlights facts and figures on the ways exchange programs benefit the U.S.

International Exchange: A Proven Investment campaign

This messaging platform tells the story of the transformative power of international exchange in advancing America’s economic and national security interests. 

BridgeUSA Exchange Programs: An Investment in America

At their core, Department of State BridgeUSA exchange programs make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous. In communities around the U.S., they strengthen local economies and workforce, advance domestic and foreign policy goals, and increase mutual understanding.  

This BridgeUSA programmatic report highlights the collective and program-level economic, public diplomacy, and cultural impacts of five key BridgeUSA programs on the U.S.: the Au Pair Program, the Camp Counselor Program, the Intern and Trainee Programs, and the Summer Work Travel Program (SWT). 

Eureka Facts Reports

This series of BridgeUSA programmatic reports from 2016-2020 highlighted the impact of these programs on participants, host communities, and American public diplomacy.

Eureka Facts Au Pair Report: Executive Summary and Fact Sheet
Eureka Facts Camp Counselor Report: Fact Sheet
Eureka Facts Summer Work Travel Report: Executive Summary and Fact Sheet
Eureka Facts Intern and Trainee Report: Fact Sheet
Eureka Facts COVID-19 financial impact on jobs


State Fact Sheets

The below resources highlight the economic and social contributions exchange participants have by U.S. state.

Department of State
Open Doors
NAFSA International Student Economic Value Tool


Key Reports from Around the Exchange Community

Open Doors Reports

Open Doors®, supported by a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, is a comprehensive information resource by the Institute of International Education on international students and scholars studying or teaching at higher education institutions in the United States, and U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit at their home colleges or universities.

NAFSA International Student Economic Value Tool

NAFSA conducts an annual state-by-state and congressional district analysis of the economic contributions of international students and their families to the U.S. economy. The economic contributions of international students are in addition to the immeasurable academic and cultural value these students bring to our campuses and local communities.

AFS International – Global Families, Global Impact

The “Global Families, Global Impact” report by AFS Intercultural Programs explores the experiences of host families involved in international youth exchanges. With 75+ years of expertise in homestay exchange programs, AFS has documented numerous stories from host families who integrate exchange students into their lives, fostering mutual learning and growth. Annually, AFS has about 8,000 students and families participating in exchange programs, having reached nearly 500,000 families in more than 60 countries worldwide to date. Through a large-scale global survey targeted at some of these former AFS host families, this study aims to understand the impact of hosting on families, contributing to the limited existing research focused on host families.

ACPD 2024 Comprehensive Annual Report on Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy released its annual report that assesses the major public diplomacy and global media activities conducted by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Read the full report here.


American Council on Education: Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses

C​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​onducted every five years, Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses assesses the current state of internationalization at American colleges and universities, analyzes progress and trends over time, and identifies future priorities.

Department of State: Exchange Facts and Figures

The Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) has compiled a number of resources, including a state-by-state breakdown, on the short and long-term impact of international exchange programs. Check out the statistics on the ECA website.

Global Ties, U.S. – State and Local Impact

Every year, Global Ties U.S. compiles data from their network on the economic and community impact international visitors have on the U.S. in these state and local impact reports.

NAFSA | Developing a Globally Competitive Workforce Through Study Abroad

The report Developing a Globally Competitive Workforce Through Study Abroad, released by NAFSA in September 2020, examines the skills acquired during study abroad experiences and their value to U.S. employers and job seekers.

USGLC Report on Reports: A Roadmap for U.S. Global Leadership

In March 2021, the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) released its latest Report on Reports: A Roadmap for U.S. Global Leadership – a review of over 120 reports from think tank and policy organizations across the political spectrum with recommendations for the Administration and Congress on foreign policy and national security, which is compiled every four years.