Alliance Commentary
Analysis of the latest news around Washington, D.C. and the exchange community from Alliance staff and members.Immigration Executive Order Entangles Exchange Programs
January 30, 2017
Contact: Oriana Piña
Land of opportunity or close to slavery?
As published in the Post & Courier on November 10, 2016
The Au Pair Program Provides Valuable Cultural Exchange
As published in the Washington Post on November 8, 2016.
Successful J Day 2016 – event summaries
Alliance members hosted 26 different community service events in states around the U.S. to participate in “J Day” – the annual celebration of international exchanges. These events enable sponsors to connect exchange participants with their American hosts through meaningful and fun activities.
Statement on Trump’s Foreign Policy Plan: “Extreme Visa Vetting”
“Donald Trump’s visa policy proposal would hurt the United States if applied to international exchange and education. New visa requirements are not needed and are counterproductive. Exchange visitors already go through extensive screening before coming to the United States and are tracked by program sponsors once they are here.
Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Entry to U.S.
As published in Inside Higher Ed on August 16, 2016.
Republican candidate proposes a system for admittance to U.S. that critics say violates American and academic principles
America Benefits From International Exchanges
As published in the Huffington Post on August 3, 2016
Letter to the Editor: International exchange program provides many benefits
As published in The Sun News on July 24, 2016
Dear Editor,
Your recent story entitled “J-What? Foreign Students Work Their Way into Carolina Culture” seems intent on maligning a very important cultural exchange program despite the positive views of the participants quoted in the article and recent improvements to the program.
Ilir Zherka joins Alliance for International Exchange as new Executive Director
For immediate release: January 11, 2016
Contact: Kaitlyn Chriswell, 202-293-6141,
Washington, DC – Ilir Zherka recently joined the Alliance for International Exchange as new Executive Director.
Zherka, who served as Executive Director of the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC), will lead the Alliance in its continued efforts to promote the growth and impact of exchange programs.