The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

The Alliance for International Exchange congratulates Secretary of State Marco Rubio on his confirmation, and on being sworn in, as the 72nd Secretary of State this week. During his remarks to Department of State staff, Secretary Rubio emphasized the need for a pragmatic U.S. foreign policy that makes America safer, stronger, and more prosperous. We are optimistic that this mission for the Department will translate into the Secretary’s strong support of international exchange programs, which meet those important criteria.  

Exchanges make America safer by advancing U.S. interests and values around the world. Exchanges make America stronger by creating future American leaders and telling America’s story to the world. And exchanges make America more prosperous by bringing billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans. 

The Alliance looks forward to working with Secretary Rubio in his new role and to promoting and expanding Department of State international exchange programs.