What is the Summer of Action?
The Alliance is leading an initiative from Memorial Day through Labor Day to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of international exchange programs on Americans and their local communities. This Summer of Action is an opportunity for all Alliance member organizations and fellow exchange champions to show Members of Congress and their local offices the ways in which educational and cultural exchanges make their states and districts stronger.
What can you do to take action?
Commit your organization to leading advocacy this summer in at least one city or community.
- As a Community Lead, you’ll organize a visit to, or an event with, a Member of Congress and their staff from a state and/or district that you engage in. It’s that simple!
Ready to act? Here are your next steps:
- Review the Alliance’s list of priority states and communities.
If there is a community where you would like to lead advocacy that is not listed here, you can share that with us in the sign up form and we’ll include it. This list is not exhaustive and we hope it will grow as Summer of Action gets underway!
2. Sign up to be a community lead for a priority community or state.
After you’ve signed up, we’ll be in touch shortly with next steps and the information and resources needed to help get you started.
3. Share #ExchangesImpact using the hashtag #ExchangesStartHere.
Thank you for helping us build stronger communities one connection at a time.